"Gene McCalmont" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Good evening Garey and Jason;
Jason, I believe Garey to be correct in this and it's something I had not
noticed in the past. I have another L-4B, left at my door in a wicker basket
with a note from its previous owner, which is suffering from a blown R12. I
had not been into this PS as yet, but opened it up just a few moments ago.
Yup... Thar she blows (no pun intended)... A wirewound "flameproof" just as
Garey had said and with the same markings (best I can tell), so I believe it
was original. Interesting. However, I fear that this owner was not so lucky
and it looks like one or more of the carbon bleeder resistors have cooked. I
am somewhat reluctant to look further into this... before Christmas!

Gary, I'm still working on my 30S-1 resolving some issues with unstable bias
voltages on a 4CX1500B. I believe the fuse you referred to is almost
unobtanium. Fortunately, I haven't had need of this beast!

Good luck guys and keep those tubes glowing.

Gene McCalmont
270 Oak Ridge Ln.
Argyle Texas 76226

Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Gene & Jason -

One critique of your otherwise excellent advice.  <snip>

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