"R. Ton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Thanks to all (!!) -- more coming when I get a chance (life is getting in
the way of fun right now).

So far, I've had the chance to change out the relay -- the ONE spare part
I had on hand.  No difference.  The rig does go into transmit when switched
to CW mode (no key plugged in).  Both relays respond and the receiver mutes.
I just noticed this AM that the .025 plate current reading I get is there
even with the power off.  Meter moves about a needle's width when put into
transmit and the S-meter reads about 7-8 in transmit -- may be another clue?

And thanks for the hollow-state theory Garey.  It's been a REALLY long time
since I've worked on any tube gear, but it's slowly coming back to me. :)

I'll be digging some more in a bit here and will report back.  I'll also
see if I can catch the technical net this afternoon.  7.238 @ 2000Z, right?

Thanks again everyone!

73, Rob (KFØRT)

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Garey Barrell
> Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:41 AM
> To: Drakelist
> Subject: Re: [drakelist] TR-4C transmitter troubleshooting
> Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the
> drakelist gang
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Kevin -
> Expertise is just experience clouded by memory!  :-)
> I don't think I've ever come across a PAIR of finals that "lit up", but
> wouldn't draw at least a couple hundred mA if they had the DC potentials
> applied to them.  In fact, I can only remember one tube that was "open",
> but lit.  I still think it had a broken weld inside it!!  :-)
> But then I've been wrong before.  A favorite med school phrase, "when
> you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras" comes to mind!
> Hopefully Rob will get it fixed in spite of my help and let us know the
> truth!!
> 73, Garey - K4OAH
> Atlanta
> Drake B & C-Line Service CDs
> <http://www.k4oah.com>
> kbgluxford wrote:
> >
> > kbgluxford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist
> > gang
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I certainly don't have Garey's expertise or long experience, but I did
> > have a similar problem on one of my TX4 transmitters recently.  I
> > changed out the PA tubes and the problem disappeared.
> >
> > 73
> > Kevin
> >
> > Garey Barrell wrote:
> >>
> >> Garey Barrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the
> >> drakelist gang
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Rob -
> >>
> >> You don't mention anything about "keying" the transmitter.  You have
> >> to "key" the Push-To-Talk (PTT) of the microphone to switch it to
> >> transmit to see the idling plate current.  You should hear the relay
> >> click when it closes.
> >>
> >> If the final tubes have plate voltage, screen voltage and filament
> >> voltage, and the cathodes are returned to the negative pole of those
> >> supplies, they WILL draw plate current!   The grid voltage is the
> >> only thing that keeps them from drawing AMPS of current in the
> >> presence of the other voltages.
> >>
> >> There are two RF chokes in series between the +650VDC supply and the
> >> plate caps of the tubes.   There is a 15 ohm, 1W resistor in series
> >> with each of the final tube cathodes to another RF choke, through the
> >> meter shunt resistor, and then through a relay contact to ground.
> >>
> >> 73, Garey - K4OAH
> >> Atlanta
> >>
> >> Drake B & C-Line Service CDs
> >> <http://www.k4oah.com>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> R. Ton wrote:
> >>> "R. Ton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> I'm finally digging into a TR-4C I bought used some time ago.  It
> >>> "worked
> >>> fine" when it was shipped here, but I haven't been able to get any
> >>> power out
> >>> of the transmitter.  It at least oscillates -- I can hear it on a
> >>> receiver
> >>> in the same room.
> >>>
> >>> Starting at the beginning...
> >>>
> >>> The manual says to adjust the bias on the AC-4 so that the plate
> >>> meter reads
> >>> .1 amp.  This is with the sideband switch counter-clockwise and the
> >>> xmtr
> >>> gain all the way down.  The meter seems to read about .025 in
> >>> receive and
> >>> goes up just a little when the rig is switched to CW.  Adjusting the
> >>> bias
> >>> has no effect on the plate meter, but it does indeed adjust the bias
> >>> voltage.  Setting it to -60 volts is no problem, but I'm unable to
> >>> get any
> >>> "real" plate current no matter what I do.  Any ideas?
> >>>
> >>> I haven't done anything to the radio since I got it except spray the
> >>> switches with Deoxit D5 and replace R45 (2 ohms -- plate meter shunt
> >>> resistor!!).  This resistor was fried in half.
> >>>
> >>> What am I in for?
> >>>
> >>> Many thanks in advance!
> >>>
> >>> 73, Rob (KFØRT)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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