Sorry to hear this, Bob.  That is a wierd situation.  It is an obvious melt
down somewhere in the high voltage chain in the radio from the prolonged
keydown situation.
 The finals are gone, we know that.  Do you have another AC-4 power supply?
It might be possible the the power transformer now has some kind of short to
one of the other windings from the prolonged high current draw.  Another
power supply could tell you if this is where the problem resides.  Of course
those cathode resistors and screen resistors should match up.  You need to
fix this.  I don't know if this would keep from neutralizing the rig.

One more thing! A long time ago I had a new L-4B. Within weeks of ownership one of the 3-500Z tubes shorted out. Since I just bought the amp, I called Drake. They told me to make sure I replaced the small pi choke under the tube socket of the tube that went bad. i told Drake it looked good. They told me it is bad. They melt down internally from the excess current draw. They said they look good from the outside but I should trust them and replace it. So I did this and then unwound the old pi-choke. Sure enough, internally things got melted together. The choke looked good but was bad. You might check the chokes with an inductance meter. I would not be surprised to find out you melted them internally and they are bad.

Lee, w0vt

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