Turned on my Working T4Xb and smoke came out the bottom of the rig which I
can't see for some reason.  The filimant fuse (8A pigtail lead fuse near the
3 big power resistors) is open so replaced that, then no 250 V B+ and found
R3 1K 5 watt resistor to be open.  Both of these were 'effect' and not cause
(I suspect).  I changed R3 and got 150V and R3 is hot.  Unhooked the yellow
250V wire to the rig and V is good about 270V.  Turned power OFF and
measured Resistance on yellow wire and it is low only about 150 ohms.  Last
thing is always suspect and for this the last thing I did a few days ago was
install some used FleaBay finals which worked ok it seemed but were very
weak only about 60-70 watts out (maybe one was not working?)  Put the bright
light on the bottom and compared to photo I took before and fail to 'see'
any burned parts on the bottom but there was smoke and I think it was from a
hot wire and not a componet.  Will probably change the finals back to the
'other' weak ones that were at least putting out 120W into the Cantenna and
see what is pulling the 250V B+ line down.
Any ideas on this one?


some new pix on the port op for the 160M CQ CW contest last weekend on

Paul Gerhardt
FP 274
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