OK still troubleshooting but found 2 more clues....

I pulled all the tubes and the AC4 power resistor R3 in the 250V line is now
cool to touch and V is 260V with NO tubes in.
When OA2 is in place (only OA2) R3 is too hot to touch and V drops about

2nd Clue I finally found what smoked in the chassis.  It was hiding under a
switch shaft in the RF compartment.  The 'smoker' was R30 the 68 ohm 1/2
watt resistor on V5 (final)

So I think maybe the tube had a grid to fil short and took out both

I am still not getting a spot signal.  R3 is still too hot when OA2 is 'IN'

OA2 is blue not shure otherwise if it is good?  Problem may be on the 150 V
line as that powers the VFO (I think).

Still have the tubes out.

Paul K3PG in 'snowy' MD
pix on http://pgerhardt.blogspot.com

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Paul Gerhardt <phgerha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Turned on my Working T4Xb and smoke came out the bottom of the rig which I
> can't see for some reason.  The filimant fuse (8A pigtail lead fuse near the
> 3 big power resistors) is open so replaced that, then no 250 V B+ and found
> R3 1K 5 watt resistor to be open.  Both of these were 'effect' and not cause
> (I suspect).  I changed R3 and got 150V and R3 is hot.  Unhooked the yellow
> 250V wire to the rig and V is good about 270V.  Turned power OFF and
> measured Resistance on yellow wire and it is low only about 150 ohms.  Last
> thing is always suspect and for this the last thing I did a few days ago was
> install some used FleaBay finals which worked ok it seemed but were very
> weak only about 60-70 watts out (maybe one was not working?)  Put the bright
> light on the bottom and compared to photo I took before and fail to 'see'
> any burned parts on the bottom but there was smoke and I think it was from a
> hot wire and not a componet.  Will probably change the finals back to the
> 'other' weak ones that were at least putting out 120W into the Cantenna and
> see what is pulling the 250V B+ line down.
> Any ideas on this one?
> 73
> Paul

> --
> Paul Gerhardt
> K3PG
> http://pgerhardt.blogspot.com
> QRP ARCI 6674
> FP 274
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