Rick -

Check the DC voltage on the shielded wire at T14 (center pin on side closest to CAR BAL pot). In CW mode, this voltage should be 0.0 with the GAIN at MIN, rising to about a volt as the GAIN is turned up. IF the voltage does NOT go to 0 at MIN, there is a problem with R105/R15, switch, etc. In AM mode this voltage should be about a volt regardless of GAIN position.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Richard Tucker wrote:
My T4XC began providing full output on cw regardless of where the drive control was set--even all the way CCW. Normally on CW you have to advance it beyond 12 o'clock for full output. I consulted with Garey, K4OAH, and at his suggestion, checked R-105, the xmit gain control for continuity and value and it checked out. I also checked R106 and it checked out okay. His CD was a great help in locating R-106. I am going to trace and check the associated wiring. Another other thoughts or ideas to check out would be appreciated.
Thank you

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