You will likely find that the schematic you have in your manual probably 
doesn't match the rig you have.  Also, the manuals changed slowly, if at all, 
during the life, only the schematics changed.  Garey will have all the 
schematics in the CD.  One question though, why would you want to "re-tube" a 
whole transceiver??  More than likely most of those in the rig are good tubes, 
and it seems a waste to change them, plus, who can tell that your "new" ones 
are any better than the originals???  They have to be NOS or old unless they 
are Russian or Chinese.  Also, the rig was aligned with those tubes and will 
require a COMPLETE alignment after re-tubing.  I just think it is easier to use 
your new tubes as test replacements to see if they fix a particular problem.  
My .02 worth, probably not worth that much.
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