Kevin -

Your radio is a Version 2, probably built mid 1966.

Drake switched from 12BA6 to 6BA6 in Version 5, (4/68,) and to 6BZ6 in Version 6, (10/68,) at V5.

12BA6 to 12BZ6 in Version 4, (9/67,) and to 6BZ6 in Version 5, (4/68,) at V11.

V12 and V15 were 12BA6's for the entire production.

Your CD went out yesterday via First Class Mail.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Kevin Elliott wrote:
While I wait for my repair CDs to arrive I have found something I need some information on. I am in the process of retubing the TR4 I have and I went down the list of tubes in the voltage chart and ordered all of the tubes. That I think is my first mistake because when I took the cover off and got ready to install the tubes the first one was a 6BZ6 tube I come to find out there are none in use on this particular radio. Am I safe to assume that they made a revision either before this radio or afterwards and went to the 12BA6 tubes which I am finding are getting hard to find. My radio shows that tubes V13, V12 and V11 are all 12BA6 and it has arrows pointing to all three tubes. The serial number on the radio is 23567 so if anyone can tell me what year that is I would appreciate it.
Thanks and 73

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