For what it's worth I don't want anything to do with the softstarts...
I prefer a solid state rely to protect the on/off switch and thermisters in the filament circuit to slow up the surge to them.

-----Original Message-----
From: LEE BAHR <>
To: Joe Loverti <>; drakelist <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 6:54 pm
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] L4B (Harbach Soft Start)

The soft start kits sold by Harbach are totally different for SB-220 amps and L-4B amps.  My opinion is they are both way over  priced.  The PC layouts are done in amateur fashion and not very  logical, in my estimation.  (They certainly could be layed out much smaller and have much shorter trace lines to help RF from seeping into the circuit).  Their "hang time" is very short, and it is fixed unless you change cap and resistor values.  For about the same money, you can put in a new surplus real adjustable time delay relay plus another new 40 amp solid state relay to take the load off the "on-off" switch and it will switch "in" at the right phase angle to stop the transformer from thumping when energized. 
Just my opinion, but each to his own.
Lee, w0vt
----- Original Message -----

From: Joe Loverti
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] L4B (Harbach Soft Start)

I put a Harbach Soft Start in my Heathkit SB-200. It was wired correctly and installed per instructions – everything was double and triple checked. When I powered up the amp the Harbach Soft Start immediately when up in smoke – boy did it stink up the shack for a few days.

I contacted Jeff Harbach and told him what had happened. He told me I must have done something wrong.... well, that is remotely possible I guess. He didn't offer to replace the kit and I didn't ask. But, I seriously doubt I did anything wrong...I've built many kits in the past and have a good track record with them.

Later, on the Yahoo Heathkit amp forum, I found out Harbach Soft Starts are not without problems – a bad or sticky relay coul to begin with. Other guys have had similar problems with them.

The L4B is obviously a much different animal than an SB-200... but, for what it's worth, that's my story with a Harbach Soft Start.

Joe WW8X


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