This is a great thread!
In the late '70's, I had a KWM-2A, remote VFO, etc.;  all  Collins.  I 
decide to get back into CW, so, of course, the KWM-2A had to go  (for those who 
don't know, the KWM's really don't do CW in spite of the CW  switch position 
on the mode switch).  After doing a lot of research, I  traded the Collins 
for a C line, my first Drakes.  I never regretted the  decision.
It was only after I wanted to try RTTY that I traded the C line for a 7  
line.  That was back in 1982.  I still have the 7 line and it remains  my main 
SSB/RTTY rig (I use a homebrew setup for CW, just 'cause).  That  should 
say something about Drake reliability, not to mention my fondness for  Drakes.
Oh, by the way, I also own a KWM-380.  I still use the 7 line and  prefer 
the 7 line.  The only reason for the Collins is it is at my second  home and 
it is nice to have a rig in one package (i.e. built in power supply)  and I 
don't have much room for a shack in that second home.
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