I had an atrocious first station...and I never made a contact with it. On the other hand it was 100% home made :-)

First station: Ameco AC1  transmitter, and  a Knight Star Roamer receiver.

This was an atrocious station, and while I was able to make a contact with the AC1 (with another receiver) I'm not sure I could make a qso with the Star Roamer TODAY, with a bazillion QSO's under my belt and 40 years of experience.

This was later upgraded to the AC-1 and a Knight R-100 , with which I made a good number of QSO's , upgrading to a DX-40 with which I made hundreds of QSO's in my Novice year.

What would I have liked as a novice? Hmmm.... one of the Drake stations I now have.., a Drake 2NT, 2BQ and 2C (with a halli vfo) is an excellent performer and very easy to use.

Fun to think about

John K5MO

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