...circling around and around...

Moved the (new) filter caps up out of the way and grounded them to the 
grounding stud on the rear panel.  Chirp, chirp, chirp!  Up - down - up - down, 

Monitored Lo @ 18.1 MHz on my K3 - solid signal even while the R-4A was happily 
chirping away...

Monitored PTO on the K3 - chirp, chirp, etc...

Disconnected everything from the PTO... Chirp, chirp on the K3...

Put in a 10V zener to get voltage to solid 10.2V.  Chirp!

When it wobbles and chirps, I see the trace of the 10V line on the scope 
change.  It doesn't drop or increase - it's just a change in the ripple, 
apparently.  If I tap the chassis under the PTO, I can make it wobble and 
chirp.  I'm not really understanding this in that this PTO is the one that was 
working great in the T-4XB.

Could the power supply be starving even though the xtal oscillator is not 
changing at all?


Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

"I can't complain, but sometimes I still do."
- Joe Walsh

If the above message appears, it came from Steve's Son of Laptop!
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