Zhou, Jammy wrote on 14.08.2015 07:59:
> We tried several different ways already for the enumeration interface 
> (libpciaccess, libudev, etc). But we ran into some problems with these 
> options for example when run Steam games which ships 32bit libraries 
> (including libudev) in the steam runtime, so finally we decided to use sysfs 
> directly to avoid introducing some additional dependencies into libdrm.

The reason sounds wrong. There was a similar discussion over at Mesa. I think
you (as in hardware/driver vendors like AMD/Intel/Nvidia) need to push Valve (or
the game devs through Valve or directly) to fix their setup. Steam runtime is
fine and all, but please only pre-load it, if needed (ie. library foo is missing
on the system and can't be installed through the package manager). IIRC the
VMWare guys said in the Mesa discussion, they have a script in place for their
virtualisation products, that checks whether a library needs to be loaded from
their "baseline directory" or from the system.

Working around a bug/design flaw in Steam's Linux version doesn't sound like a
supportable solution in the long run. As long as you let them get away with
that, you will face this problem over and over with different libraries. (For me
it's usually libstdc++ (needed by LLVM), libncurses and a few X(CB) libraries I
need to remove from Steam, before anything works. Though I do have script for
that, that I can run after every upgrade, this is not a solution for everyone.)


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