My Radeon has been sucking it back too.  In Quake3 anything to do with 2d
is broken.  And when I tried to quit it crashes and I'm forced to
reboot.  Also Quake3 can't change video modes.


On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Harold Oga wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 09:36:00PM -0700, Joseph Carter wrote:
> >I would have to check, but I believe that it's already using 32.
> >
> >Yes, according to xdpyinfo:
> >
> >bitmap unit, bit order, padding:    32, LSBFirst, 32
> Hi,
>    Ok, I just tried it and it looks like the radeon driver doesn't support
> 24bbp anyways, so using -depth 24 should be fine.  Do you also have
> windows installed on this machine, and if so, does it work properly?
> Other than that, about the only other things to suggest would be to try a
> couple of the suggestions I found on Paul's KT7 faq:
> - try disabling P2C/C2P Concurrency in the Advanced Chipset Features menu
> - try various manual AGP driving strength values and see something other
>   than auto works better for you. (68 was mentioned in the faq, but this is
>   highly motherboard/video card dependant, so you'll just have to try
>   various values and see if you can find a value that works for you)
> -Harold
> -- 
> "Life sucks, deal with it!"
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