On Fri, 11 May 2001, Joseph Carter wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 09:44:57AM +0200, German Gomez Garcia wrote:
> >     I'm planning to change my old SuperMicro P6DBU (BX chipset) with a
> > newer Abit VP6 that includes VIA VT82C694X and VT82C686B chipsets, I would
> > like to know what is the current status for these chipsets, I mean, Are
> > they supported? In the latest 2.4.4 kernel under the AGP section there is
> > a VIA chipset item, would they work with that selection??
> I've heard no problems with that particular chipset, other than warnings
> that the 686B is generally problematic on "some" boards.
> I don't know if I'd recommend trying a Radeon 64 on it yet as it
> apparently doesn't work with at least some VIA-based boards - specifically
> the Abit KT7 and KT7A's.  This is worrysome since one's a KT133 and the
> other is a KT133A.  I'm told the other Radeon's work fine (AiW, VE, LE,
> etc) but I don't think I'd count on that yet.  Your BX should be as solid
> as it'll get for any video card you throw at it.

Well, it does sometimes work- I have a Radeon 64M/ViVo/183Mhz working
OKish on a KT133 (KT7-RAID)...
But then, other people have chronic problems with the same hardware...

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