On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 03:10:28PM +0100, Iain Thomas wrote:
> > This is interesting since terra and I both have crashes within 30 seconds
> > on these boards.  I'm very interested in what you've done to get it
> > working.  She has a KT7-RAID, I have a KT7A.
> Er... I'm not aware of having done any trickery, other than sticking with
> kernel 2.2 (now 2.2.19). And my cvs version is getting on for a month or
> two old. But then, I'm also using the LiViD ati.2 driver, for video-in
> support.
> And it runs for days at a time...
> Quake 2 (in GL mode) works for as long as I can be bothered to play it.
> File System Visualiser doesn't work so well (this is a fixed problem, but
> I haven't had time recently to keep up to date with the CVS, and now I
> hear 2.2 support has been dropped ;-(). Chromium and Tuxkart work fine.
> > I'm considering getting something with an AMD chipset, but AFAIK there are
> > issues with USB being quite screwed up on those boards.
> Is the AMD AGP controller supported yet then?

Kernel claims to support it.  Does it actually work?  Well, that's a good
question.  At any rate, broken USB would be a killer.  I'll probably just
have to continue to be patient and hope Gareth runs into and squashes the
big and nasty bug that (many?) VIA users are seeing.

I've already run into a few bugs with this TNT2 that are known, reported,
and more or less ignored.  That and its general lack of speed indicate
that I really don't want to use it much longer.  It beats the crap out of
the Voodoo2 for most things though.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

<Zoid> I still think you guys are nuts merging Q and QW. :P
<knghtbrd> Of course we're nuts.  Even John said so.  =>
<taniwha> Zoid: we're nuts, but we're productive nuts:)

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