On Wednesday 19 September 2001 04:42, Alan Hourihane wrote:

> What's the problem Frank. I don't believe I've ever had a report from you
> on problems....or if you have, can you refresh my memory on what these
> problems are...(Oh, and which CyberBlade is it ?)

Never filed a report- had too many other things going on to do a thorough go 
over of what I'm seeing with it; I just made it use the framebuffer driver 
for now (It just slows the laptop down a little at times...).  Basically, 
it's a CyberBladeAi1, and the screen shows the leftmost stripe of the display 
on the LCD panel on the right side of the screen, except when it's set to 
15bpp.  No other setting seems to make an impact on this.

Now, I've got a question for you, if you can answer it....

How dramatically different are the Via embedded cores from the Ali embedded 
cores, programming-wise?  I happen to have a register spec for the Via 
all-in-one motherboard chip using the CyberBlade logic core.  Once I get 
something done for the RagePRO, I might want to come up with a DRI driver for 
the CyberBlade if the information's all the same.  (Yes, I know it's not a 
great chip, but it'd be nice to have it work all the same...  :-)

Frank Earl

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