for what it's worth, there is cyberblade documentation
available at this web site:


   On Wednesday 19 September 2001 14:34, Alan
Hourihane wrote:

   > What about setting another Chipset rather than
options ?

   Tried all the gamut to see if there was any
variation- no such luck with at 
   least my machine.  Win98/Me shows it to be an Ai1
chip, which jives with the 
   info KDS has available on this model.  I'm about to
revisit attempting 
   getting the driver happy with me because I'd like
to have better performance 
   out of my laptop and maybe have some poor 3D
support from it...

   I'll let you know via e-mail if I get the same
results as in the past.

   > Very little, if anything. The CyberBlade are very
similar indeed, apart
   > from the E4 which is a bit more different.

   Cool.  This means I'm not going to be guessing too
blindly when I get to 
   working on a DRI driver...

   Frank Earl

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