Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:

>Hi all
>Thanks to Jose, I got some binary stuff to test:
>But I did not have much success:
>1. The kernel module loaded perfectly. No complains.
>2. The driver uses ABI v 5 but XFree 4.1.0 gives ABI version 4. First
I had a similar problem until recognizing that I alwas started the old 
X-Server with the new modules because I just edited the 
/etc/X11/XF86Config file. Try to start e.g. /usr/X11R6-DRI/bin/XFree86 
Just a thought ;-)

BTW my X-Server is running now but I get strange authentification failures:
the DRM module isn't allowed to write to X while I'm not logged in as root.
kdm also fails on startup with XDM-AUTHENTIFICATION failure
Does anybody know how to fix this quick ( I haven't had time yet to read 
something about that issue )

--Andreas Karrenbauer

PS: Because of a new job I haven't had much time the past month, but 
congratulations to Manuel Teira. He's done very well. I'm listening to 
the list and hope to find time to contribute in any way

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