On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 10:45, Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:
> > mkdir /usr/X11R6-DRI
> > lndir /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11R6-DRI
> It's already done, thanks to binaries you gave me:)
> > Setting the ProjectRoot in /usr/X11R6-DRI isn't even necessary since is
> > the default already.
> Really? In which file? site.def contains ProjectRoot /usr/X11R6 but
> host.def contains /usr/X11R6-DRI. Which one is really used?

host.def has precedence. It's included before the conditional definition
of ProjectRoot in site.def

> > If you have RedHat 7.x you also have to add the patch that is attached
> > because of a problem in the gcc-2.96 code optimization leading to modules
> > that can't be loaded by the X server.
> Thanks.
> > Unfortunatly the only reference is the DRI Compilation Guide which has not
> > been updated recently to include this. Someone really should do that
> > because there has been a lot of people trying to test the cvs tree
> > (especially the mach64 branch).
> Probably I'll be able to write little 10 lines HOWTO and post it here.
> When I finish the process...:)
> Cheers,
> Sergey


Jose Fonseca

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