this is for mesa-4-0-branch, current cvs + mga agp texturing patch (minus the
bits for mgavb.c: they didn't apply). shows the bug nicely. The black to white
gradient areas should be solid black (they are in trunk). It looks like
clipped corners are having their color set to white rather than the specified

Other than this and some issues with texture sub-image updates (I'm going to
investigate if it's related to the agp patch), I am /very/ impressed with what
I have so far seen of the mesa-4-0-branch: I got a 4% speed increas on one of
our benchmarks (only tested one so far), and that was having to drop back to
full texture updates.  Great work, and thanks: my g200 is doing nicely:)

this is the code that renders the black sky:

static inline void
draw_poly (glpoly_t *poly)
    int         i;

    qfglBegin (GL_POLYGON);
    for (i = 0; i < poly->numverts; i++) {
        qfglVertex3fv (poly->verts[i]);
    qfglEnd ();

static void
draw_black_sky_polys (msurface_t *sky_chain)
    msurface_t *sc = sky_chain;
    qfglDisable (GL_BLEND);
    qfglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
    qfglColor3ubv (color_black);
    while (sc) {
        glpoly_t   *p = sc->polys;

        while (p) {
            draw_poly (p);
            p = p->next;
        sc = sc->texturechain;
    qfglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
    qfglEnable (GL_BLEND);
    qfglColor3ubv (color_white);

(from gl_sky_clip.c in quakeforge)

Leave others their otherness. -- Aratak

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