On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 12:03, Keith Whitwell wrote:
> d then it still require regular maintenance and management.
> >>
> >> Getting DRI into XFree86 CVS seems like a relatively low-overhead way to
> >> reduce the lag between the two systems, perhaps we can try to restart
> >> those discussions.
> >
> > Well, I confess I was unaware of this, and it's really not my choice, 
> > but I would like to share some concerns I have regarding this.
> > 
> > First, would it be possible to have same amount of branches we have here 
> > and continue the development in the same way?
> > 
> > More importantly, would it be easy to add CVS access to newbies eager to 
> > help? My personal experience here it that is enough one is keen to help 
> > and shows he's able to and is granted with CVS access. 
> This is a valid concern -- I don't have CVS access to XFree86, and I've been 
> working on the dri for years.
> It seems a lot like a members-only club.  I'm sure there are private mailing 
> lists and all sorts of other "in-group" discussions that the rest of the world 
> just doesn't see.

Well, I think there's one internal mailing list left. :/ The purpose of
which is mainly to discuss information covered by NDA, and which has
pretty low traffic (it's being superceeded by the public Xpert list).

> So, I guess I've got a foot in both camps:  Yes I'd like to get rid of the 
> dual repository bullshit, but No, I don't think that eg. the mach64 project 
> would have gotten as far if DRI cvs didn't exist.
> It's only really since the collapse of the bozo-corp consulting group that the 
> pressure has been lifted off the DRI project & we're obviously experiencing a 
> renaissance.  I'd hate to see that evaporate.


Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast


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