
I'm using X 4.3 (a backport on debian woody) with the precompiled
drivers from dri.sf.net and a radeon 9200. I currently have 3 issues
which I think may be down to the drivers:

1. In tuxracer, noegnud and some other programs, it seems that when 2D
   bitmaps are drawn adjacent to each other, there are black lines
   between them. This is very clear in the splash screens of tuxracer
   and noegnud, and I've seen it elsewhere too.

   Here's a screenshot: http://levene.dyndns.org/noegnud.png

2. In noegnud, if there is text in a window that is partially
   off-screen, the text is invisible. When the window is moved so that
   it is all on-screen the text reappears. (This _could_ be a bug in

3. If I don't rmmod and then insmod the agpgart and radeon modules
   every time before I start X, then DRI is always disabled. This
   isn't a huge problem, but I'm not sure why happens.

Anyway, I'd like to offer my services as a tester, with the tentative
aim of getting problem #1 sorted out. Let me know what I can do!


PS I'm not subscribed to this list. I will check it through the web
interface when I remember, but please feel free to cc any replies to
me if you like.

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