Am Samstag, 14. Februar 2004 23:38 schrieb Daniel Kasak:
> Jacek Popławski wrote:
> >On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 07:38:58PM +1100, Daniel Kasak wrote:
> >>Just downloaded the UT2004 demo, and tried it out under
> >> XFree86- I'm pleasantly surprised.
> >>It runs quite nicely,
> >
> >What about speed? On my R200 (Athlon 1800 XP, low settings) it is slow
> > like hell. What is your hardware and settings?
> The menu animations ( the background scrolling text ) is a little jerky
> compared to Windows. Yeah, the game also runs slower than under Windows
> - I've got a Windows box wth an Athlon 1800 XP and a Geforce 2 MX, and
> it performs considerably better. I expected this after reading the bit
> about the game being designed for D3D, and the OpenGL renderer being
> unsupported ( under Windows ). Unfortunate, but I suppose they have
> their reasons. Maybe ( hopefully ) performance will improve. Anyway,
> it's certainly not slow as hell. It's respectable - just not silky
> smooth. It's certainly better than nothing :) If enough people use the
> Linux client, maybe for UT2005 they will say that the D3D renderer is
> unsupported and only included in case your OpenGL drivers suck!
> I've got an Athlon 2100 XP, a Radeon 64MB DDR ( R100 ), and
> XFree86-
> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20030328 AGP 4x
> x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSETCL
> OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 5.0.2
> My game settings are whatever the defaults are. I can't read any of the
> menus, so I haven't bothered screwing with anything ( apart from invert
> mouse ... I made a point of finding that ).
> Maybe you should try a snapshot of the new XFree86?

Try with latest DRI-Devel (new "revolutionary" lighting).
But sadly your r100 wouldn't be much faster with it.
r200+ are.
Maybe you test the S3TC patch, too ;-)


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