On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 10:07:59PM -0700, Jon Smirl wrote:
> X on GL has no impact on remote X. Tests with glitz show a 100:1 speed
> improvement for local drawing.

... on 3D-heavy cards, no?

I wonder what those same tests would show for the S3 Trio64 my sister
runs, or the ATI RageIIC my mother runs. I'm not disparaging your
efforts, but:
  * A first-class windowing system is wasted if all the apps around are
    crap, or don't make use of it, or both.
  * Have you tested on lower-end cards, or only the new, insane,
    3D-centric cards? A performance hit on already-slow graphics
    hardware would be bad.

Daniel Stone                                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
freedesktop.org: powering your desktop                http://www.freedesktop.org

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