The few sources I've read have said that the hardware for AGP, and PCI-E
 was designed to emulate the software interface of PCI so that the
underlying hardware would be transparent to software. This can be seen
in the output of lspci, where my marginally supported R200 (Where's
6.2.2 when you need it?) is reported as two PCI devices... The purpose
of the second device entry is obscure. (On a side note, I have a spare
6326 which I'm willing to donate for the price of shipping, I intend to
offer one of my two R128s to a dumb-terminal using friend of mine.. If
he declines, I'll offer that too, but only after the R200 driver
stabilizes to the point where it Does Not Crash(tm)).

My understanding of bus operation is that it's sole function is to
provide memory mapped IO, IO ports, and interrupt control, after these
features are configured -- by the BIOS -- software only has to worry
about the device at the other end... After this initial configuration,
so I thought, the bus was invisible and mostly irrelevant...

>From the trafic on this list it seems that not only are there
performance considerations but vital operational charactoristics of
these busses that require software support. Can someone please explain
this to me?

Friends don't let friends use GCC 3.4.4
GCC 3.3.6 produces code that's twice as fast on x86!

Non-sequiter item: Charleston, South Carolina

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