At 2:39 PM -0500 10/15/07, Peter Urban wrote:
>Hello. We are working on our first solo DSpace installation and have 
>completed all the documented steps. However, when we launch a 
>browser and try to access the site usinng 
><http://<ipaddress>:8080/dspace>http://<ipaddress>:8080/dspace, we 
>get a 'page cannot be displayed' message. We are running on Ubuntu 
>Server 7.04. Tomcat 5.5 is started and set to port 8080. Everything 
>during installation seemed to go fine. I am a Linux newbie and don't 
>know where to begin to troubleshoot this. Any help is appreciated.

I just finished wrestling with this install on an RHEL5 system, and 
had a similar issue when it was finished -- despite an iptables 
exception for all traffic from my office subnet.  After much cursing 
and swearing, I noticed that %lsof -i showed the dspace/java 
processes listening on IPv6.  Huh/wha?

When I turned iptables off, traffic was allowed again.

I inserted this into JAVA_OPTS and now it works with iptables as expected:

Hope this helps,

Andrew Laurence                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Central Computing Services  
Network & Academic Computing Svcs.
University of California, Irvine

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