On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:38:48PM -0400, George Kozak wrote:
> I guess I've been a bad boy.  Since Dspace 1.2, I have been actually 
> changing the JSP's and not using /jsp/local.  I thought at one point 
> we were told to no longer use /jsp/local...but I have been wrong before ;-)

I recall this as well (and messages further down the thread back us
up).  I had the strong impression that /jsp/local was going away, and
have been puzzled that it never actually went.

I think that the choice of using or not using /jsp/local (so long as
it exists) really boils down to what works best for you.  I suffered
so much from our local 1.2->1.3 upgrade that I gave up using
/jsp/local and instead threw our local sources and the stock sources
into Subversion so that I had tools to help me merge stuff and could
easily "rewind" either development stream to see what happened.  But
I'm accustomed to that style of working, and it may not be right for

The problem I have with /jsp/local is that, once you copy something in
there, it no longer tracks updates to the stock code unless you do
that by hand.  So we wound up with things that stopped working and
didn't know why until I realized that the unmodified bits had changed
out from under us.  Silly thing to miss, looking back, but there it

OTOH the discontinuity between 1.4 and 1.5 stock was so great that I
gave up trying to work out the changes for a proper vendor-drop update
and am starting fresh with 1.5.  SVN will still help me work out what
we have changed through 1.4 and help me prepare patches to carry over
to 1.5, as well as providing history and comments for each local
change, so I'm still happy I took the time to set that up.  We'll be
switching to XMLUI so this is a least-bad time for the stock stream to
become discontinuous -- we have to work out new ways to do things anyway.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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