On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 02:46:06PM +0700, Panyarak Ngamsritragul wrote:
> Thanks for additional info.  I am now starting from the first step using 
> Ubuntu's repository management system.  At the moment, I finished 
> installing postgreSQL and now installing TomCat6.
> In DSpace's installation instructions, I read:
> "Note that DSpace will need to run as the same user as Tomcat, so you 
> might want to install and run Tomcat as a user called 'dspace'."
> This is very confused as it should not be possible to install any software 
> package without being 'root' in Unix like system.

The account used to install software, and the account used to run it,
may be different.  The instructions here seem to be aimed at someone
who is installing Tomcat without the aid of a distribution's package
manager and solely for use with DSpace.  Since you are using Ubuntu's
package manager, it probably created a user account specifically for
Tomcat and installed the product to be run by that user.  I use Gentoo
Linux and the Tomcat packaged by Gentoo, and it does the same, setting
up Tomcat to run as a user named "tomcat".

The important thing here is that the user account used to run Tomcat
must have sufficient access to the DSpace files.  If Tomcat is set up
to run as a user "tomcat" then I would install DSpace in such a way
that it is owned by "tomcat", probably by just being 'su tomcat'
before installing.  You can use the 'root' account to create the
[DSpace] directory and set its ownership appropriately, before

It is difficult to document this process literally, because different
operating environments might use different account names.  If you have
some reason to run Tomcat as a particular user, then I would consider
every reference to "dspace" as a user account to be a placeholder for
the account that Tomcat uses, whatever that is.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

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