
I reinstall dspace using 'tomcat6' as the user of tomcat6 and dspace's 
database...  The installation seems to be alright, I guess.  You may help 
to take a look at:

The result from 'mvn package'

The result from 'ant fresh_install'

I chose to create a file at /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost which looks 

When I restart tomcat6, a log file says many errors:

Could someone tell me what could be the causes of these errors.

Thanks in advance.
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Panyarak Ngamsritragul wrote:

> Dear Mark,
> Your explanation is quite clear and I think I have been doing in a wrong
> way.  Someone even document something like setting directories of tomcat6
> (e.g. /etc/tomcat6 /var/lib/tomcat6 /var/cache/tomcat6 and
> /var/log/tomcat6) to be owned by user 'dspace' !!
> Well, I was silly enough (ignorance enough) to follow that and finally
> caused tomcat6 unable to start !
> Another big point, I read from someone's document saying that a command
> like:
> update-alternatives --set java 
> /usr/lib/jvm//usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java
> is also needed.  (Specific to Ubuntu 8.10 with sun-java6-jdk package).  Do
> we have to run this command every time when server is rebooted ?
> Panyarak
> Prince of Songkla University

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