Probably the most up-to-date generic language property files are located 
in the DSpace language module source control.

If you already have a DSpace instance deployed, implmenting a new 
language properties file is simply a matter of dropping it into 



On 14/04/10 03:29, Panyarak Ngamsritragul wrote:
> I am now in the state of implementing DSpace 1.6 to our service.  There
> are a few modifications I would like to make to file.
> For English language, this can be done with difficulty.  But for some
> other languages, I just could not locate the files!  In the manual page
> 139 it is said that those file are in (for example Thai version)
> [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/resources/
> But there is no such file!
> I search the entire source package using command
>     find [dspace-source] -iname Messages_*
> I could find related files for xmlui, but not for jspui...
> And more over, there is no message_th.xml for xmlui too.
> Can anyone tell me where I can find these related files and where should I
> really put them before I build and deploy the application ?
> Thanks
> Panyarak Ngamsritragul
> Prince of Songkla University.

Hayden Young
Managing Director
Wijiti Pty Ltd
p. +61 (0) 8 6102 1198
m. +61 (0) 405 520 778

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