It's also nice sometimes if you have problems to be able to compare your 
version with the original version.  Of course you could always download it 
again, but it's easier to do if it's already there.  ☺


Sue Walker-Thornton

Software Developer/Database Administrator

NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract

(757) 224-4074

-----Original Message-----
From: Wally Grotophorst []
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] JSPUI Customization


I'll give you the reason I prefer to make mods using the process that Claudia

outlined: when you get a new release, it's nice to know that all your local mods

are in one place.  Makes it much easier to update those modified files.

Otherwise, you face wading thru the spaghetti of the DSpace source code, trying

to figure out whether you tweaked this file or that file...

- Wally

Wally Grotophorst

Associate University Librarian

Digital Programs and Systems

University Libraries

George Mason University

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

(703) 993-9005

Sergio Belkin wrote:

> 2010/11/22 Claudia Jürgen<>:

>> Hello Shaun,


>> the directory structure after webapp is identical to the one in

>> [dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-webapp/src/main/webapp/


>> So if you want to overlay the feedback acknowledge you got

>> to copy


>> [dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-webapp/src/main/webapp/feedback/acknowledge.jsp


>> to


>> [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/feedback/acknowledge.jsp


>> After your customization you got to rebuild and redeploy your application.


>> Hope that helps


>> Claudia Jürgen



> Hi Claudia,


> I've read this thread and my question is somewhat silly: Why should

> not I edit directly the header-default-jsp?


> Please don't want to kill me because of my question :)


> Thanks in advance



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