On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 21:13, Glenn Little <lit...@cs.ucsd.edu> wrote:
> Wow.. okay... complex but makes sense given the whole
> dspace/java/tomcat context I guess.  The thing that seems weird to me
> now is the "mvn package" command, which takes a while to run and seems
> to rebuild all the apps.  Is that really necessary, just to make a
> quick change in a config file?  (I'm trying to stay with the program
> and not just edit the runtime file by hand).  Does it actually do
> something different in the build based on the new config values, and
> should I actually reinstall all the applications ("ant fresh_install")
> not just the config files?   I think I need a new supply of advil...
> :-)

I understand your concern completely. I'm using a different workflow
to avoid that useless rebuild. I still make changes to the source
files - the reason is, if I instead made a change to live config and
forget to make the change in source, next time I run ant I would lose
that change.

1. vim [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
2. cp [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
3. /etc/init.d/tomcat restart

Thus - no need to rebuild and no fear of losing changes. One thing to
be aware of is to back up your old config. Ant does that for you but
here I skip that step. I do the same with theme files (it will work if
you want to change any but the .java files, then you should use

Just my 2 cents, choose a workflow that works best for you.


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