I've edited the /home/dspace/config/log4j.properties file, restarted
Tomcat, logged into DSpace. Unfortunately the dspace.log file hasn't
changed since DSpace reloaded at 4 am today

These are the changes I have made to the log4j file

# A1 is the name of the appender for most DSpace activity.
# The root category is the default setting for all non-DSpace code.
# Change this from INFO to DEBUG to see extra logging created by non-DSpace
# code.
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1
# This line sets the logging level for DSpace code. Set this to DEBUG to see
# extra detailed logging for DSpace code.
log4j.logger.org.dspace=DEBUG, A1
# Do not change this line

And here is the end of dspace.log

2013-08-02 04:00:02,221 INFO  org.dspace.servicemanager.DSpaceKernelInit @
Created new kernel:
2013-08-02 04:00:02,227 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @
Loading from classloader: file:/home/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
2013-08-02 04:00:02,256 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Using
dspace provided log configuration (log.init.config)
2013-08-02 04:00:02,257 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @
Loading: /home/dspace/config/log4j.properties
[root@standbyvle ~]#

I'm sure I'm doing something silly, but what?

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:41 AM, helix84 <heli...@centrum.sk> wrote:

> You're right, you do need to raise the log level to get those messages
> I listed, sorry I didn't notice it.
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Clive Gould <cli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've edited
> /home/dspace/dspace-3.0-src-release/dspace/config/log4j.properties
> >
> > Can anyone advise me what directory to run ant init_configs from with
> DSpace 3.0 ?
> Simply edit [dspace]/config/log4j.properties (not the one in
> [dspace-source]) and restart DSpace, you don't need to go through the
> whole ant round - you don't even want to keep log4j.properties with
> log level debug in [dspace-source].
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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