Hi, Helix,

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma but that's my story and I'm 
stickin' to it.

On 08/13/2013 04:07 PM, helix84 wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Thomas Ronayne
> <ronayne.tho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most of the date fields are defined as the date data type which does produce 
>> the ISO standard format; it's only the ones that are a year only that were 
>> defined as integer data type. The actual books typically (well, never, truth 
>> be known) define a date as anything but the year, no month, no day.
> I know how you feel. You can either stop caring about sorting dates or
> you can generate dates in form 1984-01-01.
You know, I flipped back and forth about that (didn't know about he 
limitation, though). I figure it'll be easy enough to tell folks to 
enter a date as, oh, 1749-01-01 or, maybe better, 1749-06-15 (so there's 
no problems with the year getting adjusted prior to the Gregorian 
calender adjustment someday -- you never about these things).
>>   My understanding of the ISO standard is that a date can take the form of 
>> yyyy, yyyy-mm and yyyy-mm-dd but it's certainly understandable that DSpace 
>> won't be happy about that.
> Yes, ISO 8601 does allow all those forms and more. It's an old
> limitation in DSpace.
>> 8 language VARCHAR(10),|        dc:language.rfc3066|    en (English), fr
> I'd personally go with dc.language.iso and put ISO 639-3 code in
> (others also use ISO 639-2). DSpace doesn't prescribe which one and
> AFAIK, DC doesn't, either. You may want to check whether QDC or
> DCTERMS prescribe a particular vocabulary.
That's another one I flipped back and forth about. en_UK vs. just en 
(and what about Old French, lots of these things are prior to the 
introduction of New French). I'm going to ask the Powers That Be about 
this one (and they're probably going to say, "Use the word." Sigh.
>> 34 publisher_ VARCHAR(40),|     local:publisherlocation|        Publisher 
>> location
> This _feels_ like it should go to dc.publisher.location (which we
> don't have by default). Check the standards. If unsure, leaving it in
> local is fine.
> In any case, it's a simple SQL query to change all values of a
> particular field to a different schema, element or qualifier, so don't
> worry too much about it.
I couldn't find a "location" in the Metadata Field Registry at 
so I did the local thing. Maybe I missed something.
>> PS: I did look at the submitted table and it really looks bad -- should I 
>> take a crack at formatting it a little better and resubmit?
> This is the one case where I use HTML emails - to explicitly format
> text as monospaced, or for syntax highlighting if I'm feeling fancy.
> You may want to also send it to dspace-general, but I don't think
> they'll have anything to add.
Well, the list wants plain text and plain text doesn't support tables 
and the like so, phooey.

Here's another crack at at with fixed width and inserting spaces:

FoxBase Field Name, Type        DSpace Field Name Example (note)

1 books (books NUMERIC(8),      local:books SERIAL data type
2 box_no NUMERIC(6),            local:boxnumber Storage box number
3 unit_no INTEGER,              local:unitnumber Unit number
4 height NUMERIC(5, 2),         local:height Height (inches)
5 width NUMERIC(5, 2),          local:width Width (inches)
6 row INTEGER,                  local:row Row
7 books_column INTEGER,         local:bookscolumn Column
8 language VARCHAR(10),         dc:language.rfc3066 en (English), fr 
(French), de
(German), gr (Greek), la (Latin),
es (Spanish), it (Italian) (others)
9 curr_evalu VARCHAR(40),       local:evaluator Name of evaluator
10 orig_locat VARCHAR(30),      local:origlocation Original location
11 curr_locat VARCHAR(30),      local:currlocation Current location
12 date_creat DATE,             local:datecreated Date record created
13 user_creat VARCHAR(15),      local:usercreated User created record
14 user_updat VARCHAR(15),      local:userupdated User updated record
15 date_updat DATE,             local:dateupdated Date record updated
16 author VARCHAR(75),          dc:contributor.author Fielding, Henry
17 title VARCHAR(75),           dc:title History of Tom Jones A Foundling,
18 pub_date NUMERIC(4),         dc:date.issued 1749
19 print_edit VARCHAR(10),      local:edition 1st, 4th, 1850, 1910
20 print_date NUMERIC(4),       dc:date.created 1749
21 purchase_d DATE,             dc:date.available 1951-02-15 (date 
purchared by
Constantine, Aeneas MD)
22 original_p NUMERIC(9, 2),    local:originalprice Publisher price
23 purchase_p NUMERIC(9, 2),    local:purchaseprice Purchase price paid by
Constantine,Aeneas MD
24 present_va NUMERIC(9, 2),    local:presentvalue Present value
25 book_condi VARCHAR(10),      local:condition Poor, Fair, Good, 
Excellent, Other
26 subject VARCHAR(40),         dc:subject.classification Free-form subject
27 preface VARCHAR(40),         local:preface Yes, no, autor/editor
28 illustrato VARCHAR(40),      dc:contributor.illustrator Cruikshank, 
29 book_selle VARCHAR(40),      local:seller Selling dealer
30 seller_loc VARCHAR(40),      local:sellerlocation Selling dealer location
31 bindery_lo VARCHAR(40),      local:binderylocation Bindry location
32 bindery_na VARCHAR(40),      local:binderyname Bindry name
33 publisher VARCHAR(40),       dc:publisher Publisher name
34 publisher_ VARCHAR(40),      local:publisherlocation Publisher location
35 notes TEXT,                  local:notes Free-form evaluator notes
36 box_jpg_no VARCHAR(10),      local:boxjpgnumber Box image number
37 ass_copy BOOLEAN,            local:asscopy Assocation copy (t, f)
38 notes_doc TEXT);             local:notesdoc Free-form notes by 
Aeneas MD
Hope that looks better.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Mailing+List+Etiquette
Thanks again for the input, I really do appreciate it.


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