Hello all. I am having an interesting problem that I have not been able to
figure out and would like to see if someone could point me in the direction
for troubleshooting.


Steve loaned me a Magellan 320 that he had setup for connecting to the
ID800h. I have my ID800h setup as follows: GPS Mode On, RMC, GGA, and C1 is
LK  *5A.  (Copied and Pasted from the DPRS Calculator.) Once everything is
turned on and the GPS is locked I can check My POS in the radio and I see
the correct GPS data. However, once I come back inside I do not see any
information on the APRS sites. Is there something I can check in the gateway
to make sure that the data is getting to the server and then being sent out
to the APRS servers?






[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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