On Mar 17, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Adam Karsin wrote:

> WOW!!!
> I never meant to start all of this; I just wanted to know if I could
> surprise a distant ham buddy of mine. I guess I'll just send him an  
> email!!
> 73,
> Adam

Oh, sure you can!  (GRIN)  Just pop his callsign in the UR field and  
call away... the network will automatically route your call to the  
last known repeater he was on.

I've found a couple of old friends and talked to them this way... just  
had to try for a few days until I figured out when they were on the air!

He'll have to understand to hit his one-touch button to callsign route  
BACK to your call, if he's been doing D-STAR for a while, he should  
know how.  Hopefully.  Just announce that you're callsign routing to  
him, give a long call, and if you like say something like "calling you  
via callsign routing from the XX1XXX repeater, port Bravo -- but you  
can just push and hold your one-touch button to route back to me!", or  
whatever... in case he has no clue what that means...

Piece of cake.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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