(Please don't top-post.)

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:39:36PM -0000, ham44865 wrote:
> --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Jay Maynard <jmayn...@...> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 08:17:27PM -0000, ham44865 wrote:
> > > You are LOOKING at the OLD VERSION again.
> > > The new one is NOT released yet,
> > > I mentioned that in the previous post.
> > Release early, release often. Until then, quit complaining.
> Not complaining Jay,it is an old source release he is reading.
> Just the facts.

Perhaps. Still, you'd get a lot farther with "You've got an old version. The
current code is at"...and where to find it. Heck, it's on Sourceforge, so
you've got a Subversion repository and server available for the asking.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC at K6ZC port B    http://www.conmicro.com
http://www.k6zc.org                  http://www.tronguy.net
http://jmaynard.livejournal.com           (Yes, that's me!)

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