(Please don't top-post.)

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 01:46:43AM -0000, ham44865 wrote:
> --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Jay Maynard <jmayn...@...> wrote:
> > Perhaps. Still, you'd get a lot farther with "You've got an old version. The
> > current code is at"...and where to find it. Heck, it's on Sourceforge, so
> > you've got a Subversion repository and server available for the asking.
> I do not understand why you are hostile.

I'm not being hostile. I'm saying that you're going to continue to have to
deal with comments from folks based on the version of your code they can
look at, and you're only hurting your own efforts by making significant
changes to that code without letting others see them. The easy way to both
improve your code and do away with the comments you apparently find
objecionable is to release early and often. This is not a difficult concept.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC at K6ZC port B    http://www.conmicro.com
http://www.k6zc.org                  http://www.tronguy.net
http://jmaynard.livejournal.com           (Yes, that's me!)

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