At 07:43 PM 3/17/2010, Tony Langdon wrote:
I think the way memories currently work is wrong. To me, you need to
be able to specify the frequency independently of the callsigns

That's pretty much what DR Mode lets you do in the ID-880 mobile (and I assume the IC-80 HT). It's confusing to learn, but once you do, it's easier to zip between call signs without tying up memories. I think it will hold 300 call signs.

As D-STAR grows, though, easy access to EVERY potential call sign will be a problem.

Slide-out keyboard, voice recognition... That technology is affordable from manufacturers who expect to build a few hundred thousand, maybe a few million pieces. And most of us buy them heavily subsidized by our carrier, paid for by that hefty monthly bill. "Unlocked" versions sell for $600+ (and +++), well above what we pay (and complain about) for current D-STAR equipment that sells only a few percent as many units.

Gary KN4AQ

ARVN: Amateur Radio//Video News
Gary Pearce KN4AQ
508 Spencer Crest Ct.
Cary, NC 27513

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