--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Jay Maynard <jmayn...@...> wrote:
> But the D-Star community can help, too. Is 2 meters full? Then DON'T PUT UP
> A 2-METER BOX! Pretty much every D-Star radio these days is a dual bander.
> The few single-banders are all first-generation and a pain to use, and the
> D-Star community has long recommended that people not use them anyway. Given
> that, what difference does it make whether the repeater is on 2 or 440?

One word: PAVEPAWS. There is a moratorium on new coordinated 440 repeaters here 
on the West Coast due to interference issues. My understanding is that some 
parts of the East Coast have the same issues.

Which brings up the question of why 144/440 is all that's commercially 
available for D-STAR use, given the crowding in the 144 band and now, 
apparently, in the 440 band. Digital voice cell phones are operating 
successfully in bands near the 33cm and 23cm bands, but apparently the only 
amateur radios using those bands are homebrews. 

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