IMHO the robotic sound is not going away with D-Star. Of course the 
D-Star radios have standard FM which you can use. If you decide to sell 
the 91AD rest assured that it will be bought by someone quickly.

On 9/1/2010 18 43 Hours, n2gyn wrote:
> I guess I just can not live with the "robotic" sound. This is 
> unacceptable in this world of technology.
> I am trying to find away around this before I dump the whole D-Star thing.
> John
> PS: I also have a 91AD
> --- In 
> <>, Tony Langdon <vk3...@...> wrote:
> >
> > At 05:05 AM 9/2/2010, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > >John,
> > >
> > >Try plugging a better quality speaker into the radio.
> > >I personally find this does wonders to increase fidelity.
> > >Icom should be ashamed of the speakers in the D-Star HT's.
> >
> > A better quality speaker certainly works, as anyone who's listened to
> > a DV Dongle on PC speakers can attest to. Actually, I find the
> > quality of the audio of my 91AD is very good (for a HT), only
> > complaint is there's not enough of it for some environments.
> >
> > As for the "robotic" sound, well, we're stuck with it. The whole
> > point of speech codecs is to literally throw away anything that's not
> > directly contributing to intelligibility, to reduce the
> > bitrate. There is a tradeoff here between bitrate and
> > fidelity. AMBE is designed to achieve very low bitrates, so it's not
> > going to sound very "natural".
> >
> > My own view of D-STAR audio is that while it doesn't sound natural, I
> > find it very intelligible, often more so than FM in the real world
> > (where there's a lot of poorly adjusted radios and radios with wonky
> > audio response). I'm also able to recognise who is speaking, so
> > enough of the voice is preserved to allow that. The AMBE vocoder
> > excels at what it sets out to do in my opinion - provide
> > communications grade speech at very low bitrates.
> > >
> > >I'm not sure, but there also may be something else going on as well.
> > >If I set up my 80 or 880 and connect to a reflector and do the same
> > >with the ID-1 using the same speaker, the fidelity improves big time
> > >with the 80 and 880 but the ID-1 still sounds much better (and the
> > >RF signal is much weaker).
> >
> > Different radios will have different audio responses. RF signal
> > strength is largely irrelevant in D-STAR, until the bit error rate
> > starts to increase significantly to the point that the FEC has
> > trouble correcting those errors.
> >
> > 73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL
> >
> >

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