Followup - this system has a lot of kernel activity and I/O - (top typically
shows CPU > 50% kernel) - but the hotkernel blorked with this (eventhough
load avg was only ~2 and command line is responsive):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 1:41pm 114 # ./hotkernel 
Sampling... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
dtrace: processing aborted: Abort due to systemic unresponsiveness

FUNCTION                                                COUNT   PCNT

I'm working my way down the toolkit list - any help on pinpointing the
bottlenecks with the appropriate 1st pass tools appreciated.

Here is some iotop output - nothing surprising here - sendmail, spamd and
mailman (python) are generating I/O:

2008 Jan 21 13:49:54,  load: 1.35,  disk_r:     32 KB,  disk_w:   2424 KB

  UID    PID   PPID CMD              DEVICE  MAJ MIN D            BYTES
    0  13413  13412 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W             2048
    0  13411  13406 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W             4096
    0  13409  13370 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W             5120
    0      3      0 fsflush          sd0      61   0 W             8192
    0  13420      1 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            22528
  555   3809   3140 spamd            sd0      61   0 R            32768
    0  13419    496 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            41984
    0  13412    496 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            44032
    0  13370    496 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            50688
    0  13413      1 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            51712
    0  13406    496 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            71680
    0  13414    496 sendmail         sd0      61   0 W            96256
   35  24406  24400 python2.4        sd0      61   0 W           172032
    0      0      0 sched            sd0      61   0 W           318464
  555   3809   3140 spamd            sd0      61   0 W           405504
   35  24409  24400 python2.4        sd0      61   0 W          1006592

Ideally I'd like to know what the fixable (tunable) bottlenecks are on a
system that otherwise has plenty of CPU and memory available


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fletcher
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:39 PM
Subject: [dtrace-discuss] tcptop error: failed to resolveSS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT:
Unknown variable name

Hi, I am trying to debug the bottle neck(s) in a Solaris 10
Mailman/Spamassassin/Sendmail VMWare VM and get the following error from

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 1:35pm 103 # ./tcptop
dtrace: failed to compile script /dev/fd/11: line 40: failed to resolve
SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT: Unknown variable name

thanks for any insight,

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