Thanks -  prustat works great once I point it at Sun's perl (I was using a
newer install)
I'm going to record some snapshots when the contention is happening...

What if I wanted to quantify the latency (wait times) due to DNS lookups (I
suspect I could benefit from a local caching install - but I want a
"before") picture so I can show how much better it is using a local DNS


-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Gregg - Sun Microsystems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:38 PM
To: Fletcher Cocquyt
Subject: Re: [dtrace-discuss] tcptop error: failed to
resolveSS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT: Unknown variable name

On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:48:47PM -0800, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
> Forgive me, where do I find 'interstat' ?
> Also, where can I get Sun::Solaris::Kstat for prustat?

It's probably already under /usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib - it's a vendor (Sun)
supplied package.

prustat was written as a demo tool - it might be useful, but it will
fail due to a kernel change.  I wrote it when I was a customer to make a
point to Sun that this is the sort of tool that customers would like.
It turns out that supporting this tool for customers would require stable
network providers for DTrace, a project that is still in progress.

I never put prustat into the DTraceToolkit because it wasn't stable enough,
despite it providing key resource utilisations by process (which is
and made possible by DTrace).  If anyone hasn't seen it, it looks like this:

# prustat -ct 20 5
   PID   %CPU   %Mem  %Disk   %Net  COMM
 22301  78.84   3.16   0.00   0.00  setiathome
 22635   4.09   0.20  69.11   0.00  tar       
   440   2.76  45.39   0.00   0.00  Xsun       
  2618   0.31  14.34   0.00   0.00  mozilla-bin 
 22640   3.87   1.49   0.12   0.00  dtrace       
   582   2.04   2.16   0.00   0.00  gnome-terminal
   576   0.02   2.80   0.00   0.00  nautilus  
  2299   0.33   1.99   0.00   0.00  acroread   
 22641   0.00   0.00   1.84   0.00  upsmonitor  
   578   0.37   1.46   0.00   0.00  gnome-panel  
   574   0.41   1.31   0.00   0.00  metacity      
  6504   0.00   1.23   0.00   0.00  nautilus-throbb
   593   0.04   1.05   0.00   0.00  mixer_applet2
   556   0.00   1.05   0.00   0.00  gconfd-2      
   549   0.00   0.94   0.00   0.00  gnome-session 
  6510   0.00   0.93   0.00   0.00  nautilus-text-v
   591   0.02   0.83   0.00   0.00  galf-server
 21551   0.00   0.56   0.00   0.00  dtterm
  4789   0.10   0.45   0.00   0.00  vncviewer
   553   0.00   0.43   0.00   0.00  gnome-volcheck

the screen updates like William LeFebvre's top.

Let me stress again - prustat was written to demonstrate an idea, but is
currently unstable as a tool.



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