On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:59:43AM -0500, James Carlson wrote:
> Nicolas Williams writes:
> > But the point is that kmdb scripting and lsof are on the same footing.
> Yes, it's exactly the same thing by slightly different means.
> The difference, and it's not much, is that a user of mdb looking at
> the kernel likely knows that unless the target is stopped (as with mdb
> -K), the data structures are volatile, and that the contents of most
> of the structures is undocumented territory, so you need to have
> cscope open in another window while you try this trick.
> The user of 'lsof', on the other hand, is likely an administrator who
> believes he's getting the truth about what his system is actually
> doing.  Unfortunately, that faith is at least a little misplaced due
> to the nature of reading from live kernel memory.

Of course.  However, I think in general administrators will prefer
not-quite-the-truth fast over the-truth-seconds-ago slow.  (See my
follow-up to myself, which includes the script and timing.)

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