David Powell wrote:
> Lars Bruun-Hansen wrote:
>> pfiles
>> It is true that you can find the same information as what lsof is
>> producing by using a script that uses the Solaris 'pfiles' command.
>> One such example is "PCP" (http://www.unix.ms/pcp/). I have to warn
>> against this. [i]pfiles will stop the process while it is being
>> investigated.  Many processes will not like this[/i]. I've screwed up
>> quite a few daemons by executing a 'pfiles' against them while they
>> were running.  Bottom line:  pfiles is not a solution to the problem
>> on a production system. Period !
>    It would be really useful if you could elaborate on how pfiles
>    screwed up your daemons.  Though pfiles will stop a process to get
>    its information, it does so for a very short period of time and in a
>    fashion that should be undetectable to the target process.  Unless a
>    process has real-time scheduling constraints, it shouldn't be
>    possible for it to tell that pfiles has stopped it.
>    If you are seeing some problem where processes are malfunctioning
>    because of pfiles, it is bug in pfiles that needs to be fixed.
+1.  I'd like to know what the problem(s) are, specifically, too.

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