Lars Bruun-Hansen wrote:
> pfiles
> It is true that you can find the same information as what lsof is
> producing by using a script that uses the Solaris 'pfiles' command.
> One such example is "PCP" ( I have to warn
> against this. [i]pfiles will stop the process while it is being
> investigated.  Many processes will not like this[/i]. I've screwed up
> quite a few daemons by executing a 'pfiles' against them while they
> were running.  Bottom line:  pfiles is not a solution to the problem
> on a production system. Period !

   It would be really useful if you could elaborate on how pfiles
   screwed up your daemons.  Though pfiles will stop a process to get
   its information, it does so for a very short period of time and in a
   fashion that should be undetectable to the target process.  Unless a
   process has real-time scheduling constraints, it shouldn't be
   possible for it to tell that pfiles has stopped it.

   If you are seeing some problem where processes are malfunctioning
   because of pfiles, it is bug in pfiles that needs to be fixed.


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