It appears to be a case of whose ox is being gored.  For those of us who
have been long time active dxers and want to be recognized for what we have
accomplished over the years,  the overall total including currently deleted,
but not deleted at the time we worked them, is valid.  We have looked for
years longingly at the numbers represented by gentlemen far beyond our years
who have worked stations that we had no opportunity to work,  with the
understanding that at some point in the future,  we too will have this
opportunity to be recognized.

Now, the newly licensed and those who didn't have the ambition or desire to
work for the long term want it NOW NOW NOW.  If you want to use stupid
analogies like the Yankees, I'll present one just as stupid.  Let's assume
you want to be a doctor but dislike the thought of it having to spend all
those years of preparation.  Your solution would be to just give the
certification to anyone who can pass the test or has the money to pay anyone
who has a friend who took the test and has a copy that you can study.
Fortunately it doesn't work that way...........yet.  When it does,  it is my
hope that people who want it NOW NOW NOW have the opportunity to have these
people for their physician.

Since it is my ox that is being gored,  I waited and didn't scream NOW NOW
NOW for all these years,  and my NOW is finally becoming reality.  Let us
who have spent the years working at our count enjoy our DXCC count including
deleted while we can just as those in the past have.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

A current total for everyone one on the DXCC lists has to be known
otherwise the asterisk could not be printed. The data is the all there.
It's a matter of which way it's cut. One is a deference to longevity
(absolute total), the other to competition with recognition of long
term accomplishment (current total sort with a slash absolute #).
Neither cut says anything about a super station, QRP, or whether you
worked a bunch of tough ones on 160 from one side of the country and
then moved to the other side and worked a bunch more. Or whether or not
you've even had a station for the last ten years but your buddy throws
your call into all the pile ups and that keeps you on the Honor Roll.
Only you know that and to first order, no one cares. I'm certain that
there are DXers out there who have Honor Roll achievement but who've
never submitted cards. They really don't care! They do it strictly for
themselves. My point is simple: If there is a listing, it should be
useful and not primarily a celebration of age.

The present listing scheme is antiquated. It would be like listing
baseball standings after the World Series with the Yankees always at
the top because they've won more than any other team. Come to think of
it, wouldn't that be a great enticement for youngsters to get

73, Steve WB6RSE

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