>What about intentional qrmers?
These guys have now found another way to make it difficult for DX'ers in a "split" pile-up. They quickly find the station that's been answered by the DX-station and send a carrier over the caller instead  -  this also prevents the QSO to "be finished".
Whatever we do, these intentional QRM'ers will be ahead of us!
73/DX de Osten SM5DQC    ( also SM5DXCC )    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message -----
From: Norm Gertz
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

Many times through the years when a DX station has asked for "up" several times and is ignored they have immediately gone QRT.....look forward to this in the future also.
73   Norm   K1AA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

What about intentional qrmers? Nothing short of direction finding and enforcement by Governments will have any effect on that, and that simply will not happen. What choice does the Dx have but to continue on the best he can, and work those fortunate enough to hear him through the bedlam? I have even monitored stations intentionally interfering with high seas rescue operations where lives hung in the balance. If people with transmitting equipment are sick enough to do that, how can we expect any less regarding Dx operations? There are many possible motives involved in qrming a particular Dx operation, and expecting the ones doing such things to somehow develop self control and concern for one's fellow man is not realistic. Can we somehow come up with new ways to circumvent the problem of qrm on the DX transmit frequency? Maybe, but I don't think answering callers on their own frequency is the way. I think this has been done before, resulting in massive chaos.

73 for now,

Duane, WV2B

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