We're giving the freebanders and intentional QRMers entirely too much attention and too much publicity. Going back 40+ years I can't remember a DXpedition that didn't get some QRM, though it's a lot more these days... but that just makes working the DX that much more of a challenge. Ignore those malicious QRMers. They only do it to irritate us, and when we get annoyed, they win.

Every time I hear one of the Deserving lose his cool and even acknowledge the existence of these jerks, I cringe... because some idiot QRMer just got what he wanted. We need to keep our focus on the DX, play the game our way, not their way, and work the DX right over them. Pretend they are not even there. That way, we win and they lose.

Something to think about.

73,  Jerry K3BZ

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Question


I must add one more as I know this for a fact. Now that we are near the bottom of this sunspot cycle, some of those Freeband Nuts in Europe and the US that have all that expensive ham gear can't use it much on 27 & 28 MHz. They are having "Big Fun" QRMing ham DXpeditions and braging about it on their web sites.

I will take this opportunity to thank all the "Gentlemen DXers" that have responded to my question here on dx-chat and direct. It has been very informative.

Dave - K4SSU  (K4SSU/KP1)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Question


Hmmm.  Not a bad idea, but I'm not so sure how well it would work.
Remember, at the time that US Phone privileges started at 14.200, the 14.1 -
14.2 part of the band was filled with DX Phone.  Now, while a lot of the
region below 14.150 still has DX Phone, you're also finding more and more
digital modes in the same area.

More importantly, moving the unofficial calling frequencies won't solve the
fundamental problem involved.  Wherever the DX station listening "up"
transmits, on any band, you will always have the combined problems of:

1. The DX'er who accidently forgets to put his rig in split and transmits on
top of the DX
2. The lid who deliberately neglects to put his rig in split and transmits
on top of the DX
3. The alleged DX'er who claims that they can't work split... sometimes
true, sometimes not
4. The operator (sometimes DX'er, sometimes not) who hears the DX calling, but doesn't hear or doesn't understand "listening up" who calls on the DX's
5. The frequency cops, most of whom mean well, who transmit on top of the DX to try and tell the aforementioned ops that they're QRM'ing the DX... and in
the process, QRM the DX
6. The net or alleged net or sked or alleged sked that "always" operates on or around this frequency and time, thus giving them hypothetical ownership
of the frequency range, who either demand that the DX move, the pile-up
move, or who blunder on with their QSO anyway
7. The usually innocent QSO that suddenly gets QRM from the DX and/or pileup due to propagation shift, who rather than move (if they can) try to blunder
on, either not knowing or not caring that they're now QRM'ing the DX &
pileup back

I can go on, and I'm sure someone will add a few, but you get the point.
Some of this can be solved by better operators... and better operators
happen when those of us who know them try to teach them or show them better.
Some of this is just, well, bad luck.  And some of this is caused by that
extremely small percentage of lids (and even smaller percentage of those who
make regular lids look good) who for their own reasons of ego, perceived
slights, general mean streaks, sadism, or mental illness (diagnosed or
otherwise) enjoy making life miserable for the rest of us.


-----Original Message-----
Of Peter W2IRT
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:45 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

At 10:01 03/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the solution to the qrm on the DX frequency?  Well, if
someone doesn't know the DX is woking split, or by accident is on
the wrong VFO, or whatever, it would be no problem if ppeople had
the smallest amount of self control. If the offending station is
calling with proper timing, when the Dx says QRZ, or is otherwise
ready for a call, calling on the DX transmit frequency is of no
consequence other than a waste of time for the caller.

If I recall, 14195 became the DX frequency because it was a place
where DX stations could TX but that Americans could not (US
privileges started at 14200 for the longest time). Maybe it's time to
revive that tradition and make 14145 the new default DX frequency on
20 SSB. It could have the added advantage of EU/JA pileups down 5 to
15 and stateside callers up 10-20 or something like that.

The advice I'd give to anyone going to a top-10 entity and operating
SSB would be to not use half the band and once in a while mention
where you're listening. That means concentrating the pile between two
hard limits ("listening 5 to 20 up") -- and staying within those
limits. That in turn means you need an operator  on the DXpedition
who can run a pileup that's very intense and concentrated. Most of
the Peter1 guys were great, but a couple of their 40m CW guys would
just keep going up up up up up. 30 kHz for a CW pileup is nuts,
especially when you're not announcing where you're listening and just
saying UP.

- Peter


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